Monday 27 March 2023

Feeling refreshed

I woke up feeling a lot better this morning, but I still went back to bed for an hour after seeing Sophie off to the gym. I was dreading work as I had four days' worth of cash-ups to do, and although I managed to get a lot done before the phone lines opened at 10am, I had to come off and do the rest so Sheila wouldn't have loads to do when she returns tomorrow. There were quite a few mistakes, but all I did was report everything so Sheila can sort it out.

Weirdly, both Kathy and Jo felt ill last night, and Jo said she was actually sick. Can you imagine if all three of us had called to say we weren't well enough to come in! I was glad when it was 4pm and I called into the post office on the way home to send all Sophie's purchases from ASOS back for her.

Back home, I did some preparation for dinner (chicken risotto) and Sophie cooked the dish, which was delicious and real comfort food. Keith and I sat at the island while she cooked and after we'd eaten we watched the last episode of the documentary about Waco. I had forgotten that so many people died when the building went up in flames and that a lot of them were children. What a disaster.

Tomorrow night Keith is out watching Sileby so it will be wine night and a film - The English Patient - which Sophie has resisted seeing until now!

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