Wednesday 22 March 2023

Parcelgate is resolved!

Keith and I took Dad's car to the garage for its service this morning at about 8am and then returned home briefly before deciding to go out for breakfast.

We popped to the post office in Brixworth first and then tried to decide where to go. Locally, there is a dearth of good breakfast places! It's at times like this when I wish we had an iHop! We drove into Northampton, to the Sixfields area, to discover that a favourite US-type diner, Buddies, had closed down. We drove onto the leisure park itself and saw a sign outside The Walter Tull pub advertising cooked breakfasts.

I did feel a little like I was in America! The weather was gorgeous, sunny and mild and with the nearby fast-food restaurant chains it felt like we were abroad! We went in, made sure they were serving breakfast and found a table. We didn't know whether they came to serve customers or we had to go to the bar, but in the end, Keith went up and ordered. Two cooked breakfasts, extra toast, tea and coffee came to £10! A bargain! At Beckworth, it would have been three times the price!

The pub belongs to Greene King so Keith spotted one of his favourite beers, Abbot, on the pumps. It was great for breakfast but I don't think I'd want to visit at night, especially if there was a big football match on! The food was very good and the staff friendly, so it was a pleasant hour, and the meal kept us full for the rest of the day.

Back home we donned boots and ventured out into the garden to prune the rest of the Larch trees. Keith balanced precariously on a ladder while I gathered up the fallen branches. Quite a few of them fell over the fence onto our new neighbour's path, and surprisingly, he turned up... awkward! Keith apologised for the branches and he said it was fine, which was a relief! He could have tossed them back over the fence at us! Just before he went, he mentioned a parcel we'd had for over two weeks... The postman had left a card as he always does, but nobody had been around to collect it. Before Christmas, the same thing had happened, and Keith eventually took the parcel around to be told by the woman that she'd been meaning to collect it... This time we refused to take it around as we are not a delivery service! A bit petty, maybe, but we wanted to make a stand!

So, he mentioned the parcel, I said we had it, and he met me at the front door. He brought the family dog, Barney, with him and introduced himself, and we had an agreeable chat. Parcelgate resolved! Keith and I are always prepared to help out our neighbours, and we frequently take in parcels for people living nearby, but we didn't want to be seen as a soft touch! I felt very relieved, to be honest!

We carried on working in the garden and I even managed to cut the grass, although it was still quite wet. We didn't touch any more bushes as we suspect we have a colony of sparrows living in them and the last thing we wanted to do was disturb them if they were building nests. It was lovely to be out, and although it was breezy, the sun was gorgeous. The little robin appeared and when we'd finished we put some more food down for the birds and a bowl of hedgehog food. One has been spotted roaming around the estate so I hope they come back to our garden!

Sophie was out this evening, another attempt to go to Five Guys at Rushden Lakes after the snow of the other week. She was driving this time, and I warned her not to try and cross the horrible A43 to get to Vikesh's house. All was fine on the way there, but Google maps sent her back across the deathtrap junction at Hannington on the way home... it's about time this awful crossroads was made safer as there have been no end of accidents there. Thankfully, she was fine and came home after having a delicious burger and dessert at another restaurant. It's alright for some!

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