Monday 20 March 2023

Whingeing and whining!

I was expecting a tricky shift today as we had newbie Angela in and Shirley covering for Jo, who is on holiday. Luckily, Sheila sat next to Angela and helped all she could, otherwise, I think Sara and I would have been demented! At one point, just after the phone lines opened, we had eleven calls in the queue so we were somewhat busy!

Many of the calls were about one of our pools which has been closed for over a week because of a boiler problem. We had to move swimming lessons to other pools which has proved very unpopular. Honestly, we can't win! If we cancel them we get moans and now that we've had to move them, we get moans! Some of the complaints have been ridiculous for a situation that is only temporary! Parents whingeing about the number of children in the pool, the depth of the pool and the fact that the children are cold! Sophie has been ranting about resilience recently, and she's right! Nobody seems to be able to withstand changes or minor inconveniences, and children are treated like they're precious china! I dread to think about what will happen to them when they grow up and they find that the world does not revolve around them!

So, today was busy and I managed to put the rest of the Easter crash courses onto the system, which was a bonus. In a few weeks, they'll be bookable!

After dinner this evening, Keith and I watched a gory documentary on the Black Death pandemic in the 1300s. What I didn't realise is that the bacteria that caused the pandemic is still about, and a man died of it in California in 2021... yikes! We are coming up for the third anniversary of the first lockdown in 2020, and I really wouldn't want to go all through that again!

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