Saturday 1 April 2023

A pootling kind of day...

This morning, Keith and I had to pop to Tesco to buy some bits for Sophie's birthday next week, and Keith also wanted to investigate where he went on Thursday night when he'd come to pick us up from Grafton Underwood, as he was sure he'd followed the SatNav directions properly!

It was a gloomy, grey day with rain in the air and there were puddles of water on the roads. We followed Trish's instructions exactly, taking the A43, the A14 and then the A43 again, heading towards Geddington. As we approached the village, Trish told us to turn right, but we could clearly see - in the daylight - that it was a gated, private road. It may once have been a right of way, but it wasn't now! It was just unlucky that Keith followed a car through, and the gate had opened for them!

Mystery solved, we drove into Geddington, turned around and went back to Kettering. To fortify us for the ordeal ahead, we had a light breakfast in the Costa Coffee outlet opposite Aldi, and once we had a drink and something to eat we headed for Tesco, which was as busy as I expected it to be on a wet Saturday morning! We quickly bought what we needed and headed home where I intended to stay all day!

Keith was supposed to have been going to see Sileby play this afternoon but the match was postponed. We have no idea why. Yes, the ground was wet but it was a football match! He was disappointed, naturally, but he has another game on Tuesday to look forward to!

I pootled about, and caught up with some jobs before going upstairs to watch the first ever series of Doc Martin on our television in the bedroom. We now have ITVX (it just appeared one day) and it was a series I never saw when it first came out. I watched the first episode and then fell asleep!

At 6pm I headed downstairs, made myself a drink, and decided to have a look a the Airbnb places we're staying at in a few weeks' time! I couldn't remember where they were! The first one we're staying in is near the Luxembourg border so I did a bit of Google street viewing, and then popped the cottage pie from yesterday in the oven. Keith was glued to the television watching sport and I sorely missed my Scrabble and cocktail buddy! 

Once dinner was over we watched three episodes of A Town Called Malice and had a late night! I wasn't tired because of my nap and it was well past 11pm when we turned in!

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