Thursday 2 March 2023

Rushing about!

My Thursday morning did not get off to a good start as Sophie was still in bed with a headache. I had woken naturally at about 6.20am, but it meant all three of us were trying to get ready and out of the door for 7.30am. I had asked Keith to give me a lift to work as I wanted him to come to the launderette with me (I have to park on a double yellow line and I'm always wary of getting a ticket!). I also discovered that my work trousers were still damp from being washed yesterday and not dried properly, but I had no choice, and had to wear them, which was slightly unpleasant! I really must order myself another pair!

The time flew by at work as I had so much to do. I cleared all of the customer service emails and processed some orders, so it was 2pm very quickly! Keith was waiting for me in the car park and we decided to go to Moulton first as there are two schools near the post office and I didn't want to get caught up with the school-run traffic! I posted a package off to Mike, took a box of books to the Co-op for Ziffit, and then we drove to the launderette. On the way home we managed to wash my Dad's car which was completely filthy!

Back home I caught up with some jobs and before I knew it, Sophie was home. Why is every day always so busy?!

Sophie was going out this evening, to see Laura at her new home, and wanted me to give her a lift. We left at about 6.3pm while Keith cooked dinner and I dropped her off with her bag of goodies that we'd shopped for yesterday. I headed home to have dinner with Keith and relax with an episode of Death in Paradise.

Sophie had asked her to pick her up at 10pm, so not a late night, which was a relief!

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