Sunday 26 March 2023

Losing a precious hour...

The clocks went forward this morning so when I awoke at about 8am, it was really 7am. I think it's time for this outdated ritual to stop now. I hate losing a precious hour of my weekend and getting used to the new time takes me about a week! It means tomorrow morning, Sophie will be awake at 4.30am and getting me up at 5am. Yuk! I realise that I'll go to bed an hour earlier tonight, but I do resent this happening twice a year!

Ok, rant over for another six months! We pootled about this morning, mostly doing laundry and housework. No drying the bedding on the line in the sunshine today; the weather was grey and cloudy with rain forecast for the afternoon (although it stayed dry).

We collected Mum later in the afternoon and drove down to Riverside as I wanted a new doormat and more bird food. We popped to Next first for a coffee and a snack and had a good chat, although it was a bit noisy in the café. The homeware department was full of Spring nick-nacks and we all managed to avoid being sucked into the new season hysteria!

We called into Wilco's but there was not one mat to be had, so Mum bought a load of toiletries while I put grass seed, azalea food and bird titbits into the trolley. She said that the prices were far better than Tesco, and she was right!

Keith had asked me to get beer for him again (grrr!) so we popped into the Co-op near the care home and I bought him three bottles of McEwan's Champion, which I could have got yesterday! We dropped Mum off and went home where we saw that absolutely nothing had sold on eBay this week. We took everything off and put the clothes and shoes into an Air Ambulance donation bag!

Sophie and I played Scrabble and enjoyed some utterly delicious Indian poppadum-style snacks that Sophie had bought in Leicester last week. We had decided, like mad idiots, to barbecue tonight, simply because it would be light at 7pm... the weather was horrible and cold and in the evening I felt really yukky. I couldn't get warm and was suddenly overcome by tiredness. I barely ate anything for dinner and just wanted to curl up somewhere warm and go to sleep!

I was in bed at 9pm (8pm) and fell asleep almost instantly!

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