Friday 1 October 2021

A film treat!

Today was the last day I'd be working 10am until 4pm. Next week, as furlough has ended, I'll be doing my extra six hours tagged onto my three days, so will be coming in at 8am and doing two hours of admin before I go on the phones. I'll get up as usual with Sophie, and then get ready and go to work. I feel it's going to be a bit of a shock!

Work was busy again today, and I was swamped with things that needed to be done, including a whole load of orders. The time passed very quickly, but I felt very frustrated that I hadn't done everything that I should have done! It was lovely to leave at 4pm with the weekend to look forward to!

After I'd dropped Keith off at the pub, Sophie and I had a glass of wine - a white Malbec I'd bought in Aldi. It was delicious and one we'll certainly buy again. We watched an hour of "Play Misty For Me", starring a youthful Clint Eastwood and set in Carmel. We enjoyed it immensely! I'd seen it before, a very long time ago, and it's hardly ever shown on the television, so it was a real treat. A colleague of Sophie's had lent her "Play Misty For Me" and "Fatal Attraction", another very enjoyable film!

Dinner tonight was a simple baked potato and salad supper, and after we'd eaten, we watched the rest of the film. Both Sophie and I were tired but it was great to have a lie-in tomorrow to look forward to!

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