Wednesday 6 October 2021


I had an appointment to pick up Mum and Dad this morning in an attempt to sort out the Nationwide fiasco. We drove to the Weston Favell Centre and headed for the building society first. Frustratedly, we were still unable to resolve anything and had to wait for a phone call next week to sort it out. To say I was annoyed was a huge understatement!

We had lunch at Burger King and then did some shopping in Tesco. Mum and Dad's friend Gloria was having a coffee in The Lounge so we said hello and she promised she would visit them next week. 

I dropped Mum and Dad back off and headed home to see Keith who had been doing our weekly shop while I was out. It's been a glorious day today, all the more annoying that I had to spend almost three hours in the Weston Favell Centre. Not my favourite place!

After a cup of tea, I cleaned the kitchen and hoovered. No one tells you that when you have a new kitchen you clean it obsessively, in a vain attempt to keep it looking as pristine as the day it was installed. We have noticed white marks on our black composite sink so I emailed the manufacturer this afternoon to ask for their advice. As it's black, the marks show up and they annoy me!

Dinner this evening was gammon again and I managed to burn my arm in two places getting it out of the oven!

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