Monday 11 October 2021

A quiet Monday...

I hate it when Sophie comes into the bedroom and tickles my feet to wake me up! Arrggghh! It's Monday again!

I saw her off to the gym (it's now fully dark at 6.30am) and then sat and watched the news with Monty until 7am. Work today was busy but not unpleasant and it was great to have the extra two hours to complete any admin work that needed to be done.

Back home I caught up with Keith's news and we sat at the island and chatted. We are now spending so much more time in the kitchen than we did before, and it's great to sit and relax and read the papers there.

There is not much to report today! It's been a usual Monday and at least the first day of the week is over and we're heading for the weekend again!

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