Sunday 11 October 2020

Phone woes...

I slept fitfully last night - the dessert was definitely a mistake! At 8am I went downstairs in search of coffee, and I was delighted to see that the rain from last night had cleared, and we had blue skies and sunshine.

Keith and I took my Dad's car to the garage this morning, and put some petrol in just in case I have to use it one day. It's not so full of stuff now, as Keith took out a lot of boxes the other day, and stored them in the garage up on the eaves. Thank goodness we have this space!

My phone has been playing up over the weekend. Yesterday, it was in my pocket when we drove down to the station, and after waving Sophie off, I took it out but it had an alarming message on the screen saying it was overheating... I turned it off but noticed that the battery had gone down to about 30%, something that never happens unless I use it a lot to navigate somewhere with the maps. I kept an eye on it but this morning it was playing up again, so it was a bit worrying.

After a breakfast of coffee and pastries, I made a start on the housework and managed to clean upstairs and then work my way down to the bottom floor. The rug we have in the hallway is always covered in bits, and I suspect it's down to Mike, so we'll see what it's like over the next few days with him away in London!

The house looked much better when I finished, and I had a shower before going to see my Mum at 1pm. She looked good - she wore make-up and her clothes were very smart so there's been a definite improvement. The last time I'd seen her she'd asked me to order her some new foundation and lipstick so I was able to pass these to her through the window! She was delighted!

My phone was playing up again so I turned it off as it was almost dead. I chatted to my Mum for an hour and then popped to Tesco to have a chat with the staff in the mobile shop. I was wearing a dratted mask so everything I said sounded muffled! I spoke to a young man who kept asking about upgrades and warranties. As I only took possession of the phone last October, I was not about to upgrade! Also, the phone should last longer than a year! It was not the most pleasant of experiences, and I left feeling very annoyed!

I bought some things that Mum had asked me to get for her, dropped them off, and then went home where I wasted a good few hours mucking about with my phone. At one point it wouldn't turn on without warning of a high temperature so I went online to talk to an Apple technical advisor. He advised me it was a safety issue and not to use it at all. 

After a lot of toing and froing with Apple and Tesco, the phone seemed to improve and I charged it up without any problems. The thought of being without my phone is a bleak one; I rely on it so much and most of the time I use it to keep in contact with Sophie and Mike.

Keith cooked a delicious roast beef for dinner and then we watched the end of Licence to Kill. That's another one off the list!

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