Sunday 25 October 2020

An extra hour!

The clocks went back last night so we all had an extra hour today. I still woke up at about 6am (would have been 7am) so I had a lovely leisurely start to my Sunday.

Sophie went to the gym this morning, and when she got back Keith and I went to the new Aldi at Kettering. Talk about exciting! It was busy with people but we didn't have to queue. I met my manager, Sara, who had just arrived and they were making their first visit as well!

The new store is much bigger, and it was light and airy but it did feel like I was in the supermarket in Kingsthorpe. While Keith rushed around with our shopping list, I meandered about looking at the Christmas goodies! It won't be long!

We returned home where Sophie was getting ready to go out for lunch with Laura. They were going to Olney again and eating at The Bull Hotel, and when my daughter appeared she looked lovely. She wore a new short skirt (from a charity shop), a black top and her new black cropped jacket. She was stunning!

Funnily enough, on this day last year, when the clocks went back, she and Laura went out for lunch and then visited Olney. How weird is that! While she was gone I cleaned the house and attempted to tidy away some of the boxes we still have hanging about. The stuff on eBay has been very disappointing this week, and we haven't sold as much as I would have liked. There goes my goal of having a good clear out this winter, and saving some pennies for a trip abroad when all this is over!

Sophie returned home at about 4.30pm so not as late as last year when she took a long and winding route back from Olney! Just as I was settling down with a cup of tea and a mince pie, Mike called and asked us to pick him up. We set out in quite stormy weather to get him - this morning was fine and dry but the afternoon was marred by squally showers and a stiff breeze.

Back home again, Sophie and I watched the end of Mrs Doubtfire and then we both fell asleep on the sofa. She didn't felt too well when she woke up, and I think her lunch may have been a bit on the heavy side. Keith had prepared a roast beef dinner but only three of us sat down to eat it. It was amazing how dark it was by 5.30pm. The long nights are here!

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