Thursday 29 October 2020

Phone woes again!

 Again, after the first flurry of calls, work was very quiet today and I had nothing to do. I was reluctant to let Sara know as there are plans for all of us to start contacting ex-members and try and entice them back. At the moment, I think that's foolish, due to the number of infections rising again, and we have hardly anything for our junior members. Our cinema looks doomed as we have no films planned for this weekend, even though it's Halloween on Saturday. The job of having to call people and hassle them is not one I would enjoy, to be honest!

We limped on through the day, and after Sara had gone home, we had another discussion about work. All of us are worried about the current situation and the furloughed staff are due back next week so heaven knows what they will do!

At 4pm I went home and sat with Sophie in the conservatory. My phone had lost battery again but she has a handy little portable charger that she let me use, which restored the power.

Mike was out tonight with Abbie for a meal, so it was just the three of us sitting down to a meal of pizza, crispy potatoes and Caesar salad. Afterwards, we caught up with the latest ITV drama, The Sister, which came to a conclusion tonight. It was a bit creepy!

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