Monday 19 October 2020

Early morning frights!

Mike went out with some friends last night and didn't get home until after midnight so I lay awake worried about where he was. He was starting work at 6am in the morning, so a late night really wasn't a good idea! I then found out this morning that he had sleep-walked to Sophie's room, and was just standing in the doorway of her bedroom, which freaked her out completely when she woke up and saw him there! It was, therefore, a disturbed night for us all, and I felt very weary this morning!

To make matters worse, we'd received a bid for Sophie's camera so I had to scramble about with that first thing! We accepted the offer but the buyer wanted to provide his own shipping, which I was unsure about. In the end, we reduced the cost of delivery but I made sure I had enough insurance to cover the cost of the camera if it went missing or was damaged.

Keith went off to give his mate Dave a lift back from a garage in Northampton, and I took my Dad's car to work because Sophie was working from her office today. My shift passed pleasantly enough, but because I was still feeling tired I was very glad to get out at 4pm and head home.

Sophie is very worried about her boyfriend at the moment - his mum and grandmother both feel ill, and his grandmother was suffering from shortness of breath, so was admitted to the hospital today. His brother took a Covid test, which proved negative, but Zain has taken one as well, just to be on the safe side.

When Sophie returned home we packaged up the camera and printed out the address label ready to send off tomorrow. By the time we finished, it was well past 6pm and dark outside. Where does the time go?

Keith made a delicious cottage pie for dinner, and after we'd eaten we watched the last episode of The Movies, from the early 2000s to the present day. It was then an early night for all of us, Mike included!

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