Saturday 8 February 2020

The calm before the storm...

I have mostly spent today at home as we await Storm Ciara, due to arrive tomorrow. The weather today has been dry and sunny but the wind has certainly picked up and tomorrow it's set to be stormy with an Amber warning for most of the UK for wind.

I was up at about 7am so had a lovely lazy start to the day with coffee and cuddles with Monty. After a breakfast of crumpets I pottered about while Sophie took control of the TV and watched The Office - I think she did well as traditionally Keith hogs it for most of the weekend!

Sophie went to collect Laura in the afternoon and they went to see The Gentlemen at the cinema in Derngate. I wanted to finish transferring my blog to a word document by the end of the weekend so I pushed on with that.

Keith and I did venture out for a windy walk in the afternoon, though, and did a lap of the estate followed by a stroll down to the bridge and back. Although windy, it's been lovely to see blue skies today!

I snapped a pic of the moon (barely visible in the photo) as we walked back home.

After getting home I had a lovely soak in the bath and then looked forward to dinner, or maybe not as we had chosen, in a moment of madness, to have a prawn salad for our meal. Both Sophie and Mike were out but why we had picked a cold meal when it was so nasty outside is anyone's guess! I would much rather have had a hearty stew!

Also with not drinking, I did feel a bit miserable tonight! I contented myself with a 0% San Miguel and we ate dinner early. It was a nice meal but just not what both of us fancied tonight! We should have gone out for a meal!

When Sophie returned we watched two episodes of White House Farm about the Bamber murders. I remember it when it happened, but only vaguely, so it was interesting to see how the events unfolded.

As the night wore on, the winds became stronger...I wonder what tomorrow will bring!

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