Monday 3 February 2020

Pastures new!

Keith drove me to work this morning and the plan was to go on the brand new part of the A43 that opened at 6am. Sophie had already driven on it on her way to the gym and said it was a bit confusing in the dark! The new stretch of road is behind an estate that's being built, and will take traffic away from the old part of the Kettering road, hopefully making it easier to get to work every day!

However, the queues still stretched up to the new roundabout so we had no choice but to go our usual way to work! Keith dropped me off and then went to do some shopping for tonight and the next couple of days.

Work was busy as is usual on a Monday. There were just the two of us manning the phones so it wasn't as noisy as last week, thank goodness! At 2pm Keith collected me and we did take the new road home which seems a lot longer than the original! It felt really strange and the surroundings looked so different, especially with the new estate being built!

At home I quickly changed and then went around to a neighbour's house to help with the sorting of the recycling. We sorted it all out in their snooker room as Elaine didn't mind a mess being made in there...and there was a mess when the enormous bags were emptied onto the boards across the snooker table! Four of us sorted the various crisp and snack bags, the pet food pouches and loaf bags into boxes which were then emptied into large plastic bags, to be sent off to Terracycle later.

We finished at 4pm and I took four bags of pet food pouches home with me, to be taken to Milton Keynes the next time we go. I was dying for a cup of tea and a biscuit after seeing so many wrappers!

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