Friday 28 February 2020

Phew! It's Friday!

I was very glad that today was Friday and I really hoped that my Dad would be able to come home today. Keith and Mike were going around to Mum's this morning to meet Darran who had the recliner chair for him and they were also going to help Mum move the furniture to accommodate it.

Work was fine and I was back at my desk, which was a bonus. I did admin work until 12pm and then answered the phones until I left at 2pm. Keith told me that my Dad was coming home today and we popped over to see Mum to make sure she was OK, and had something in for dinner tonight. She had done an online grocery order which would be delivered tomorrow but she was fine and just relieved he was coming home.

Sophie had had a bad day at work so she was a bit subdued this evening. We opened a bottle of wine and prepared dinner which was an easy meal of jacket potatoes with toppings and salad. Our film choice this evening was Presidio starring an ageing Sean Connery and Meg Ryan, which was set in San Francisco.

I went to get Keith from the pub in the rain and wind. We have another storm due tomorrow - this time it's a Spanish one named Jorge!

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