Sunday 9 February 2020

Storm Ciara

We awoke this morning to grey skies and moderate winds but the worst of the storm was due to hit us around lunchtime.

Keith and I went over to see Mum and Dad first thing and took them both the paper. We also made sure that there was nothing in their garden that could blow away or cause damage. On the journey there and back the roads were littered with twigs and branches and there was a lot of debris on the road up to the A43. After a quick coffee we headed home and made a cooked breakfast - toast, veggie sausages, beans and hash browns.

I carried on with my blog while Sophie prepared the vegetables for dinner and then made a coffee and walnut cake. With a cup of tea in the afternoon, it was absolutely delicious and much-needed! Outside it wasn't too bad but we did hear reports of trees down in the county and a lorry had blown over on the A14 not far from us! Not really a good day to be out and about!

We didn't even consider a walk in the afternoon as the weather worsened and in the evening it really lashed down with very strong winds. Keith cooked himself a joint of lamb for dinner while Sophie and I had a mushroom and stuffing concoction that was actually quite good! Sophie had prepared extra vegetables so we could have bubble and squeak for dinner tomorrow and there were also lots of Yorkshire puddings and roast potatoes left over. Mike had stayed over at Abbie's house this evening which was a relief considering the wind and rain!

After dinner Keith and I watched a new two part Agatha Christie drama called The Pale Horse starring one of my crushes, Rufus Sewell. It was great, if a little macabre!

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