Tuesday 4 February 2020

Being good...

I drove myself to work this morning, but not on the new road, I hasten to add! The traffic was even worse this morning so I hope that when the dual carriageway opens it improves a bit or will it all have been worth it?

Work was fine and at 2pm I sped home to find Keith looking like he wanted to go out. He suggested going to Tesco as we didn't have any nachos to go with the veggie fajitas tonight so I agreed, on the condition that he would buy me a coffee!

We meandered around the store afterwards and I had a good look at the non-alcoholic drinks on offer, but decided to stick with sparkling water during the week. Outside we thought the sun was going to come out but then the sky clouded over and it looked really stormy! Brr! Time to go home and put the heating on!

I didn't really miss not having a nice drink this evening - instead Sophie and I sipped on sparkling water and had a bowl of popcorn between us to tide us over to dinner. The veggie fajitas were lovely and I made the perfect wrap, something that normally eludes me - I usually manage to spill most of the contents down whatever top I'm wearing, much to the amusement of the rest of my family! Mike ate with us tonight, but only because Keith had cooked him a portion of chicken!

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