Monday 18 November 2019

What a bargain!

I took myself off to work this morning and my shift passed very pleasantly. At 2pm I drove home and suggested to Keith that we go to Riverside as I needed some new make-up and we were also low on bird food. Now that the temperatures have fallen, our little feathered friends will be glad of some food in the garden!

We popped into Boots where I chose a No7 foundation for £15. With a hair colour (my hair will need doing again in a few weeks...) I took my purchases to the till where the very kind sales assistant told me that as the make-up was on a 3 for 2 offer and they also had a £10 off voucher, I could get another two more foundations for just £20! I sped off and when everything was put through the till it only came to £22! I had saved about £30! I now have enough make-up to last years!

We popped into Next and we both enjoyed a coffee there before going on to Wilco's where I bought a big tub of fat snax and some mealworms. Christmas is in full swing now in the shops...there's no escaping it!

We drove home in the gathering dusk and we were treated to a beautiful sunset. As we hadn't bought a newspaper yet, we called into Broughton and took the scenic route home. The A43 had been nose to tail with cars and although I would hate to see the hedgerows gone from the sides of the road, this route really does need widening and making safer.

Dinner tonight was leftovers from last night - namely re-heated pudding and bubble and squeak. I wasn't really looking forward to it, but it was delicious. No more bubble and squeak now until Boxing Day otherwise I will get fed up with it!

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