Tuesday 5 November 2019

Microwave woes...

This morning I didn't spill sultanas everywhere, it was milk! I love my Tassimo coffee to start the day but it's never hot enough so I pop the mug into the microwave for 30 seconds. However, after spilling milk everywhere I put it into the oven and nothing happened...it emerged even cooler after the addition of the milk. I put it in again but the same thing happened and it dawned on me that our microwave wasn't working...

It was a fairly old one anyway as we'd inherited it from my parents but now I had to resort to heating up my coffee in a small saucepan and it wasn't the same! I had already prepared my porridge (in for two minutes while I finish getting ready for work) so I had to ask Keith to heat it up in a saucepan for me. Grrr!

Apart from one horrible coughing fit when I was booking a squash court for a customer, my cough wasn't too bad today. I drove myself while Keith stayed at home but as soon as I returned we left to go to Tesco as we needed something for dinner this evening and most importantly, a new microwave. We only ever use it for heating things up (peas, baked beans, coffee etc) but we picked one out by Breville that looked very stylish and had a grill if we ever decided to use it. More importantly it had a clock!

Tonight I had suggested to Sophie that we go and see more fireworks and there was a display at Overstone Park. We bought some jacket potatoes to have for dinner and I selected Birthday cards for my Mum who will be 75 on Saturday!

The weather has been horrible again today and it was cold and rainy. It was lovely to get home and put the heating on. I did wonder about going out this evening but I thought it would be great to actually see fireworks on the 5th so as soon as Sophie arrived home we went back out again into the rain.

Driving was horrible because the traffic coming the other way was heavy and with the drizzle and glare it was not a nice journey. As we neared Overstone the traffic came to a standstill and we could see groups of people walking to the display. There is a huge residential area near to Overstone Park but it looked like many people had decided to drive as the traffic was not moving. Sophie and I looked at one another and decided to abandon the idea. With the weather, I thought it wouldn't be that busy, but as with all things at the moment, the crowds had descended!

We drove home, curled up on the sofa and watched Escape to the Chateau! Bliss!

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