Friday 23 August 2019

So glad it's Friday...and a long weekend!

I slept much better last night and I don't think I woke up at all. Keith took me to work and then headed home to sort out my tyres. Work was very pleasant until about 1.30pm when one of the girls who was taking over at 2pm called in sick, which we all thought was very unfair on Sara, who then had to scramble around to try and get cover.

Keith picked me up and my car had two brand new front tyres! He had booked it in for a re-test at 4.30pm so that was a huge relief! We drove down to pick up Mike and he finished early which was a bonus. He was covered in white paint as he's been painting the goal posts at the parks ready for the new football season.

Today has been warm and sunny and for once it looks like we're going to have a good Bank Holiday weekend! The temperature was hovering around 27c and it's set to go up to 30c on Sunday and Monday.

At home I prepared the vegetables for the paella and then we popped over to Broughton to get the test done again. As everything had been done on Wednesday, all the mechanic had to do was inspect the tyres and re-issue the MOT paperwork.

Sophie made the paella in the evening but she couldn't fit the chicken into the pan so we had an almost veggie one (we included chorizo)! The four of us enjoyed the meal and had a lively discussion about which specie would take over if a catastrophe wiped out the human population! Mike said insects and I suspect he wouldn't be far wrong!

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