Saturday 10 August 2019

Quiet days...

Thursday and Friday were quiet days with not a great deal happening, so not a lot to report! I somehow managed to hurt my left ankle when I was cleaning the windows on Wednesday so I hobbled about a bit, but sitting down at work helped! The bad weather arrived on Friday morning and it poured down when I took Mike into work but by the afternoon it had brightened up. However, tomorrow is forecast to be very windy!

On Saturday morning, Sophie and I went to Beckworth as I wanted to get some canapes for our dinner party tonight. We had a coffee and a pastry for breakfast before looking at all the different foods on offer. I wandered around not really sure what to get, but in the end settled for dips, crudites and some crisps. I didn't want a full starter as I wanted to do cheese and biscuits after dessert.

I also bought a lovely plant for a hanging basket and we made our way home with the goodies. It had started to get very windy and we were forecast speeds of between 40-50mph. I foolishly put the new plant into a hanging basket, but later noticed the wind had broken some of the fragile stems...drat!

Sophie and I cleaned the conservatory (it was dead fly city again) and she set the table for me. She also prepared all the vegetables while I gave the cloakroom a good clean. I then made a meringue for dessert and by about 2pm the bottom half of the house was looking lovely. I was able to sit and relax for a little while, which was a bonus! I'm so glad I did all that cleaning on Tuesday and Wednesday! Mike wanted a lift into town so we dropped him off at Abbie's house and returned home where I pottered about putting the finishing touches to the conservatory.

Outside it was very windy but it stayed dry. I had a lovely soak in the bath and Sophie painted my toenails and tonged my hair. Just before Sarah and Liam arrived I managed to get gravy or salsa all over my top but it was too late to change. The best laid plans!

Our friends arrived bearing wine and a beautiful plant in a terracotta pot, which I thought was lovely. We all sat in the conservatory and chatted before I brought out the dips and veggies. Keith had cooked the main course - the Hairy Bikers' beef in gravy and this went down very well with mashed potatoes, asparagus, carrots, green beans and broccoli.

Sophie assembled the dessert of Eton Mess - meringue, cream and strawberries and then we finished off with a cheeseboard, celery and grapes. We polished off two bottles of delicious Californian wine and Keith gave Liam an Irish whiskey to try at the end of the meal which went down very well! They left at just after midnight and we made the sensible decision to leave washing the glasses up until tomorrow. My wonderful daughter had washed up and stacked the dishwasher for me so there was very little to do!

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