Wednesday 28 August 2019

Body issues...

I had a mammogram appointment first thing this morning, so after Sophie woke me up when she was off to the gym, I sat and had a cup of coffee before getting ready.

The appointment was at Guilsborough and there was a breast screening van in the car park. I was asked a couple of questions before the examination, which didn't hurt as much as I'd thought it would, but my poor boobies were certainly mandhandled by the lady doing the examination! I know it has to be this way, but it was quite startling!

It was all over by 9am so Keith and I sped off to the Costa Coffee by Aldi in Kettering and we had breakfast. After doing a quick shop in Aldi for dinner we returned home and agreed to pick Sophie up at lunchtime as she wanted to go out for an hour. Now Laura has left she is at a bit of a loose end again at lunchtime so we were more than happy to take her out.

I needed to go to Boots anyway as I wanted to get my Mum some more heat patches and we also popped into Netx where I bought a bottle of the Eau Nude that I like to wear every day. Sophie bought some clothes and Keith looked at the trousers in there, but most of them were skinny or even super skinny fit and I had to suppress a giggle at the thought of him trying them on!

After we'd dropped Sophie back at work we went to Wyevale (now Dobbies!) and Keith spotted a pair of trousers in the Edinburgh Woollen Mill. We are off to the races at Southwell next week and neither of us can wear jeans in the enclosure we have tickets for, so he needed to get a pair even though I suspected he already had some at home in the wardrobe!

We had a sandwich for lunch in the Costa there and then went to get Mike who was ready early. I had booked a GP appointment for about 4.30pm as I wanted to speak to the doctor about my irritability lately. When I saw her she suggested anti-depressants, which I wasn't keen on but did say I could take St John's Wort as a natural alternative. She said it was just one of the joys of being in the menopause!

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