Saturday 23 March 2019

Tidying up!

Despite it being a Saturday I was awake early this morning and after trying to go back to sleep, I gave in and went downstairs. It was a gorgeous morning with the promise of a lovely day in store.

At around 8am I saw a horse go by but thankfully, Sophie didn't wake up! I also saw a couple with a young child in a pushchair go past and I'm beginning to wonder if our estate is some kind of theme park!

Sophie went to the gym this morning and when she got back Keith and I went down to B&Q to buy a new lawnmower. We saw a combi set of mower and strimmer for sale for £60 so we snapped them up! On the way home we called into Waitrose and I bough ingredients for some cocktails this weekend. Sophie wanted me to make her an Old Fashioned while I wanted to re-create the Kentuckian I had in Florida a couple of years ago! I  bought Jim Beam Bourbon, Cointreau, Angostura Bitters, an orange, cherries, raspberries and sugar-cubes, so we'll try them out this evening!

Back home Keith sorted out the lawnmower and I cut the grass on the front verge which was really long. The lawnmower was great and made the grass look a lot better. I then swept up tons of leaves and weeded the soil before sweeping it all up.

While I was working, Lynn came along to have a chat, then Paul came out to speak to us. Unfortunately, him and Sue have split up and are living apart which came as a massive shock to me when Sue called me this morning to tell me her news. Paul was understandably upset but we said we'd be around for any help he needs and I'm sure Richard and Michelle will be as well.

Keith went to the football in the afternoon and Sophie and I had a great time making cocktails while catching up with some TV programmes! The Old Fashioned was OK, but it was really just a neat whiskey with a sugar-cube dissolved with some bitters. We hadn't prepared that well as we didn't have any ice-cubes, so the Kentuckian I made needed to sit in the freezer for a while before we could drink it. I mashed up some raspberries, then added a measure each of whiskey and Cointreau before adding a slice of orange. It was delicious (once chilled) but we decided to buy some Cava or Prosecco tomorrow and serve the spirits with that to see if it's even better!

Dinner tonight was Beef Stroganoff so Keith cooked and it was delicious! A much better evening that last week and I got to watch Cheat (by myself I hasten to add!). I watched two and a half episodes and I was hooked!

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