Friday 8 March 2019

Annoying frustrations!

We were all back to normal today and I worked a fairly pleasant shift with Denise until the very end when I took a phone call at precisely 2pm. The other two staff really should have been logged on and ready to go so it was hugely annoying. The phone call dragged on and on and in the end I passed it to one of my colleagues to take as it was now almost 2.15pm and the woman on the phone was going on and on! One of her sons had had eight memberships and as I was leaving, it transpired that his current one had expired anyway! I was furious that I'd had to take the call!

I sped home and Keith and I went straight back out again to Aldi and Tesco where our shopping bill was half the cost of last week, thank goodness!

Keith and Mike went to the pub this evening and Sophie and I watched Masterchef which was torture as it made us really hungry and we'd decided on soup for dinner...not the most satisfying of meals! Some of the recipes they cooked looked delicious so the soup we had afterwards was always going to be a bit disappointing!

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