Tuesday 26 March 2019

Hanging about!

I had another extremely busy day at work and trained a new member of staff called Chloe who was very competent. By midday she was answering calls on the desk opposite me, so she could call on me to help if needed. Joanne was also back from her holidays and looked very tanned and relaxed! Because Chloe answered the calls for me I was able to push on and catch up with lots of jobs!

At 3pm Keith, Mike and I went over to Daventry for Mike's second appointment at the Jobcentre. He was early but they took him through while Keith and I waited in the reception area. I had stupidly left my phone at home and as the time wore on I started to get anxious as we were going straight to pick Sophie up at 5pm. By 4.30pm I had to go and find him and borrow his phone to text her that we would probably be late. Minutes after, Mike appeared to say he was finished.

We dashed off to Northampton in heavy traffic but we were only ten minutes late in the end. We then took our daughter into town as she was going out for a meal with Alice and Sophia. We trundled wearily home and I realised we'd been out for three hours and hadn't really done anything except wait about!

Keith cooked cottage pie tonight and Mike's friend Liam came around to eat with us. When we'd cleared away and washed up, we watched Deutschland 86 but I lost interest, which was a shame as I'd really enjoyed Deutschland 83. It was good to hear a Talk Talk track played, though!

Mike had gone out with Liam but he rushed in at about 9pm saying he had something in his eye. I had a good look but couldn't see anything but I found - luckily - some allergen eye drops in our First Aid kit so I put them into his eyes, which he said cleared them up straight away.

However, after going back out, he came rushing in again to say that his eyes were itchy and swelling up and he couldn't stop sneezing. We soon found out why...the horses have returned to the field next to us and Mike stroked one. He knows he's allergic to horses! I gave him an antihistamine tablet and some cream for his blotchy face and he had a quick shower before going out again!

At 9.30pm we set off to collect Sophie and after dropping Sophia off at the Mayorhold car park and Alice opposite her flat, we made our way home and our much-needed beds!

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