Monday 25 March 2019

Sweet relief!

Work was busy this morning and I had lots of invoices and admin to deal with, as well as answering calls. Keith took me in this morning as he needed to go to Tesco. We wouldn't have had time in the afternoon as we had a company coming around to look at our double doors leading into the conservatory. We'd noticed on New Year's Day that one side had dropped, making it impossible for us to close one door properly, and after several fruitless attempts to get someone out to fix it, we'd had a call last week from a firm who specialised in repairs.

We were dreading their assessment as we both believed we needed a whole new frame and doors. They arrived at about 3pm and had a good look before asking if we wanted them to fix the problem there and then... yes, please!

They took an hour and said the problem was due to the frame not being fixed properly when the house was built! They charged us £60 for the work which we were thrilled with, and now the doors are better than ever! What a relief!

After they'd gone we dashed over to Brixworth to pop into the post office and the Co-op and then it was home to relax and think about dinner. We had decided on baked potatoes tonight which Mike was certainly not happy about! He now only has dinner with us if he approves of our decision!

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