Wednesday 26 December 2018


I spent the morning clearing up from our Christmas dinner yesterday and trying to find homes for all the new presents!

Keith went to Tesco as they were open today (surprisingly...I thought they were closed) and bought some stuff that we needed, namely tonic for me! We spent the day relaxing and doing very little which is what Boxing Day is all about!

Unfortunately, the weather was damp, grey and foggy, so not the best of days to venture out. It was lovely to stay in and get warm and cosy!

In the evening we did our traditional bubble and squeak with all the leftover vegetables, chipolata sausages and Yorkshire puddings. We then ate this with some more mashed potatoes and slices of cold turkey. I have been particularly impressed with our turkey this year - it's been very moist and juicy with a lovely taste.

It's back to work for me tomorrow and it will be good to get out of the house for a few hours and get back to normal!

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