Friday 12 May 2017

Watching the dodgies!

I was due in at work at 10am this morning but Keith and I took Mike in first and then I came home. Going to Starbucks every morning and drinking expensive coffee is not really an option!

James the manager was off for the weekend so I met Shereen who is a graduate trainee. She was lovely and very friendly and we both had a quick tasting of some wines "to make sure they weren't corked." We tried a Merlot and a gorgeous Californian Zinfandel so that was very pleasant.

Today has been quite busy and I managed to put through quite a few transactions on the till. I really loved welcoming customers to the shop and chatting to them about wine, which is my favourite part of the job. At lunchtime Shereen went to get some bread and chicken as on a Friday each employee gets £4 towards lunch. Jonathan was out delivering wine to customers and we had a few dodgy characters wandering about was a bit unnerving!

I finished at 4.30pm and sped home to see the family. Keith wasn't going to the pub tonight, but Mike was off to Moulton to stay over with a friend so we dropped him off and then came home to relax and drink wine!

I'm back in work tomorrow, which will be a shock to the system!

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