Tuesday 23 May 2017

Feeling fed-up...

On my way to work this morning I called into the surgery for a blood test and was told the results would be available at the end of the week. From Brixworth we drove to Kingsthorpe where I treated myself to a coffee and a pastry as I hadn't eaten a thing so far this morning.

The weather had clouded over a bit and was quite humid, which was a bit disappointing! Shereen was back in today and told me about her visit to the International Wine Fair yesterday - I remember going years ago and it was a lot of fun!

The wine promotion I'd worked on yesterday had been removed so I had to go and do it all over again. Getting the boxes of wines out of the displays is very difficult and I am terrified I'm going to send a whole stack of bottles crashing to the floor! It meant clearing away all the wines in the vicinity to gingerly take out a couple of boxes and it's a real pain! Why they can't have normal shelving and keep the extra boxes in the storage area or underneath the shelves, I'll never know!

Today I felt a bit fed up as I kept getting things wrong even though nobody had bothered to tell me the right way to do things. It feels like no-one cares what I do as I'm just temporary and it's not worth spending any time showing me the ropes properly. In one instance, a couple came in who wanted to buy 24 bottles of wine as a gift to their friends and I couldn't find the relevant wine box. I was told it was a "flat box down there somewhere" but there was no way of knowing which one as it didn't have the name of the wine on the side facing the aisle. I felt a complete fool in front of the customer, but he did mutter to me that it was impossible to find, so I think I had a bit of an ally there!

It was a huge relief when I saw Keith and Sophie in the car on the approach road and I left a little early...a good thing seeing as I'd been in early every day! By now the sun had come out and it was a gorgeous afternoon so we sat in the garden with Monty for a while before enjoying a hot curry for dinner!

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