Tuesday 31 May 2016

All glammed up!

I spent yet another day cleaning as Sophie's friend Hannah was staying overnight tonight and I wanted to make sure that the bathroom was clean and Sophie's bedroom in a reasonable state! Keith went off to collect Mike as he'd been at a revision session at school and while he was gone and I was busy hoovering upstairs, Pete the Pest Control man arrived.

It was bucketing it down with rain but we both went out into the garden and he's put down four more boxes to see if we can entice our rat to take the bait. He even put one down by the bird feeder and said he would contact us in about a month's time to see if the food had been taken.

I went to collect Sophie from work at 3pm and it was still pouring with rain. Sophie said that they had been very busy at work and the car park was full when I arrived. I'm so glad it's not me in charge any more!

We went off to Riverside and Sophie treated me to a cup of tea and a cornflake crunch cake at Costa. It was lovely to sit for half an hour and relax after my busy days of cleaning! Afterwards we went to Boots as Sophie needed some insoles for her high heels as she's off to her university Prom tonight at the Derngate Theatre in town.

Before Hannah arrived Keith and I decided to try and get Jim into the garage. We moved our waste bins and pushed back the furniture we have along the sides of the garage to make room and we managed to get Jim almost all the way in with just the bonnet sticking out! If we decided to go the whole hog and empty the garage completely we'd definitely be able to fit a small car in there. It might solve the problem if we ever have three cars!

Hannah arrived and then there was much banging about upstairs as both girls got ready for their big night out. They were having a meal and cocktails first as their tickets were for the dancing only which didn't start until 10pm. When they were ready they both looked stunning:

I drive them into town (it was still raining and it was so cold we put our heating back on) and agreed to pick them up at 12.30am. A late one!

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