Sunday 15 May 2016

Enjoying the sun!

It's been another, unexpectedly, lovely day today and at the front of our house, which is a bit of a sun-trap, it felt really quite warm!

We took Sophie to work and then went to collect Mike from a friend's house, this time in Little Billing. He wanted to go to McDonald's on the way home as he hadn't had any breakfast! We dropped Keith off at Pitsford and I made some white chocolate and raspberry muffins. I also prepared the vegetables for dinner and then went out to mow our front verge and do some weeding.

The gaps in our front garden have closed in really well, but there was still a biggish area full of weeds. I pulled up as many as I could and chatted to Paul who was out walking Archie and Bailey. In the sun it felt lovely and warm and not at all how the forecast had promised!

In the afternoon Mum and I went to Beckworth for a cup of tea and a scone. Mum bought a couple of plants and I couldn't resist three strawberry plants! I know the birds will steal the fruit so I'm planning on keeping them in the conservatory. Keith wasn't that impressed when I showed him and said that they would spread everywhere...we'll have to see but he made it sound like I'd bought three triffids home with me!

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