Sunday 29 May 2016

A tipsy dinner!

I had looked forward to a day off today but I ended up doing yet more cleaning! It's all I ever do at the moment!

I gave the downstairs of the house a clean and then after lunch I tackled as much of the inside of the conservatory as I could. After a greyish start this morning, the sun came out and it was a much better afternoon. I hadn't realised that the conservatory needed cleaning so badly. Since getting rid of the cabinet in the living room we've kept some of the ornaments on the windowsill and it's made it difficult to clean with all the clutter. Today I had a de-cluttering session and found room for our Lladro ornaments elsewhere!

Sophie contacted me to say they were getting the 4pm train home from London so half an hour before they were due to arrive Keith and I set off. It meant that we missed the ending of my Mum and Dad's Ebay sale but it looked like they'd sold everything except the solid wood coffee table (I had my eye on it!) and a green armchair. They did much better than I expected!

After dropping Daisy off we returned home and I made some cocktails. I'd really been looking forward to this evening as Sophie was at home and we had turkey for dinner but it all went a bit wrong! I'm not sure whether it was because I hadn't eaten a lot during the day or whether I drank my cocktails a bit too quickly, but I felt very drunk indeed through dinner and was quite ill! Now in the past I've had some very boozy dinners at friends' houses and have been fine so tonight was rather strange, to say the least! I went off to bed very early and managed to sleep it off. Thank goodness!

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