Monday 30 May 2016

No rest for the wicked!

Needless to say I woke up rather late this morning and was glad that it was a Bank Holiday Monday, although Sophie had to be in at work for 10.30am.

After we dropped her off and took Mike to Brixworth we decided to tackle the guttering of the conservatory, a job we've been putting off for ages. It's horrible, dirty work but Keith did really well and by the time we'd finished, about four hours later, we were both very pleased with how it looked. No more wet, slimy leaves and dirty splashes on the windows! I followed Keith and washed the windows...again!

The weather today has been perfect for the job as it's been dry, breezy and cloudy although the sun did peep its head out now and again.  I had a great chat with Sue as she was outside gardening and it seemed that all our neighbours were also busy mowing, washing cars and generally being busy!

After picking the kids up from their respective places we had a turkey curry for dinner and I felt much better than I did last night!

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