Sunday 22 May 2016

Clearing up the mess!

After all the rain and grey skies of yesterday it was lovely to see the sun again today. I was determined to have a "sort of day off" today, as it's been a busy week and I'm a little bit sick of housework!

We dropped Sophie off at work and once home we put our old living room cabinet (the top part with glass doors) into the car to take to the tip. We also managed to fit our old wooden bath panel into the car and some old rusted metal! The tip was busy with people having a clear out and it felt good to have finally got rid of this rubbish!

Back home we decided to have a potter about in the garden and I noticed that one of our female blackbirds had been digging leaves out of the conservatory guttering for nest-building and had left wet, gloopy leaves all over the windowsills, which looked horrible! I couldn't believe that one little bird could cause so much mess!

There was no way I could leave it so, abandoning my plan to have a day off, I filled a bucket with hot soapy water and cleaned all the windows, the white struts above the windows and the windowsills. I just hope she's finished building her nest now! We've noticed one high up in the Virginia Creeper/Honeysuckle and the one inside all our ivy appears to be abandoned after the blackbirds had reared two batches of eggs there. We've had two lots of fat babies this year!

While I was busy washing the conservatory Keith clipped some of our bushes to keep them controlled this year. We're determined not to let the garden get too overgrown again as it looks so much better now than it did. We also moved two pots of lavender and the old daffodils to another place in the garden and put some conifers and some kind of tree in their place, over Archie's grave. This border now looks a lot better as well and we're hoping that the bushes already in the border will grow and hide the pots.

By the early afternoon I'd finished and enjoyed lunch in the sunny, and now clean, conservatory!

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