Tuesday 28 July 2015


Keith and Mikey arrived at work at lunchtime as I'd washed all the tea-towels and cloths and then forgotten to bring them in!

Mike took the opportunity to have some lunch and then we managed to escape in the afternoon, firstly by going to Booker and then to Jones's where we bought Mike a load of stuff for his upcoming Army camp next week. He needed new socks and underpants and an array of toiletries and he loved being the centre of attention!

We drove back to work via Blacks as he was also looking for a knife but the ones they had weren't suitable so we agreed to drive over to Home Guard in Thrapston. We left Sophie at home and went over to the shop which is a treasure trove of Army stuff. The man in charge knew all about the camp next week and showed him suitable knives to take with him. Mike was really pleased with the one he picked out but it looked very scary to me!

Back home our son went off to a party at the Army cadets meeting while Keith made a soup we'd never tried before - Thai style chicken and broccoli. We served it with crusty bread and we all enjoyed it despite Sophie discovering that she preferred coconut milk as a moisturiser rather than an ingredient in soup!

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