Wednesday 15 July 2015

And the days pass...

Nothing much has happened on Tuesday and Wednesday again - although the weather has been horrible and driving Mikey to Army Cadets on Tuesday was like being in Autumn already, with grey misty skies and a constant drizzle.

Keith came into work with me on Wednesday and we had to do the first of our Booker trips. I wish I'd known that the sale wasn't going to take place as I would have booked a delivery from them. It was hard work loading up the trolley, loading it all into the car and then putting it all away at work! I won't miss doing that!

Mum and Dad came around for a drink on Wednesday evening and the sun came out while we sat in the conservatory. Sophie and my mum shared a bottle of white while dad and I enjoyed a beautiful Californian Cabernet Sauvignon. I'd also bought some Indian type snacks in Tesco which went down very well!

It was great to sit and have a chat and Mike amused himself by shooting at targets in the garden with his air rifle, much to the annoyance of Sophie who hates him using it!

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