Sunday 12 January 2014

Winter landscape

We awoke to a very frosty landscape and after dropping Sophie off at work we decided to make the most of the sun and go for a walk over the fields. It was a gorgeous day and the mud and grass crunched under our feet as we walked. The recent heavy rain had turned part of one of the fields into a shallow pond and if the ice had been any thicker it would have made a perfect skating rink!

As we walked the sky gradually clouded over and by the time we reached home the weather was a lot different to when we set out! While Keith had a bath I prepared all the vegetables for dinner and then treated myself to a slice of my Christmas cake with a cup of tea. I think after abstaining all week from sugar I was allowed to enjoy a little bit today!

To work off the cake I washed my car and then spent the afternoon researching my family tree. I discovered that my 4x Great Grandfather was a Shipwright in Chatham in the mid 18th century so hopefully I can discover more about him by doing a bit more digging!

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