Saturday 11 January 2014


I spent most of today cleaning the house and de-cluttering after Christmas as we still had presents hanging around which needed to be put away! I spent a lot of time cleaning the conservatory and wiping away the stars that we'd sprayed onto the windows and which had been defaced by the children.

By 2pm I was all finished and very pleased with how the house looked after all my hard work. I didn't mind as I had a treat in store for myself - a facial at the gym as my skin was looking a bit tired and grey!

While I sat and waited I read the local Image magazine and spotted two people in it that I knew! Sitting and reading was relaxation in itself but I was soon called through to one of the dimly lit treatment rooms where I took off my boots and top and cocooned myself under a thick duvet and towels. Bliss!

The beautician explained what she was going to do to me (cleansing, exfoliating) and then she said that while a mask was doing its job on my face she would give me a head massage. What she didn't say was that she was going to apply warm oil to my hair first!

The treatment was lovely and very relaxing but when I sat up to get dressed I could see my hair sticking up in all directions! Praying that I wouldn't meet anyone I knew on the way back to the car, I hurriedly paid and fled!

Back at home I didn't have time to shower as Mum and Dad called in on their way home for a drink and a slice of my Christmas cake. We had a good chat and they said my cake was delicious!

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