Friday 3 January 2014

Frantic Friday!

I knew it was going to be a very busy day at work today within the first half an hour of opening! We were swamped with customers and we also had three parties going on during the day to add to the mayhem!

As we were so busy we were all roped into help and I spent most of the day either serving customers or clearing tables. I also had the lovely job of unblocking a toilet which in the end I gave to my Dad who cleared it by putting roads down the loo! What a great thing to do! Especially when we had crowds of people wanting to use the facilities!

Sophie was shopping with her friend Danni in town and twice Keith called in to see if I could take him home in my car but each time he saw how busy we were and drove himself back! At 4pm he came to collect me and we drove into town to pick up the girls. Sophie was very relieved that she'd managed to get herself an outfit for her party on Sunday - a black pencil skirt, blue satin top and very high blue velvet shoes. When we got home and she tried them on, she did look lovely.

After taking Keith to the pub (no gym for us tonight) I sat and spent a very enjoyable hour watching the original film of Great Expectations. It was the highlight of my day!

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