Friday 24 January 2014

Neighbourhood watch

I'll be the first to admit I'm a very nosy person! Judging by all the activity next door and the removals van which arrived early this morning, we were due to have new neighbours by the end of the day! I told Keith to be on the lookout and report back to me with any news; it's a good job we don't have net curtains as they would be constantly twitching!

We'll be sad to see Tim and Gill depart as they've been great neighbours over the years (Gill was pregnant with their daughter when they arrived and she'll be 11 in April) and as our houses are close together, it's vital we get on with the new people, especially as I regularly trespass on their land when I park the car! Our back doors face each other so we'll more than likely be seeing each other on a frequent basis.

For us, getting on with our neighbours is of huge importance and we're extremely lucky to not only be on speaking terms with them, but on sociable terms as well, which is a great bonus. It's something that would definitely keep me from moving from this area as the thought of buying a house next door to someone who is a nightmare fills me with absolute dread.

Maybe all the excitement of having someone new next door affected me more than I thought as my session at the gym was not a successful one! I felt great but after doing my exercises on the leg press I stood up and felt a bit light-headed. I went to look out of the big window next to the machine and nearly fell over so I said to Sophie that I'd better sit down...and quick! Luckily there was a very low bench nearby used for stepping exercises so I sat on that and tried to stop myself from passing out. I still had my heart rate monitor on and was alarmed to see my heart rate increase, which had the effect of panicking me even more!

Sophie was a bit concerned about me but the one thing I was worried about was a member of staff coming over to see if I was OK and whisking me off to hospital! I stood up to make my way over to the cardio machines but my heart rate shot up to over 130 so I decided to go back to the changing room and sit down for a wee while.

Looking back I think it was having a fairly big lunch too late in the day (I ate at 2pm) and then getting up from doing strenuous exercise while my blood was probably still trying to digest the meal. This happened to my Dad once when he passed out in our cloakroom at home after having a big dinner. Sophie and I decided to call it a day and go home which was really annoying but I think I made the right decision! I will make an effort to eat early from now on and just have a light sandwich!

Back home I relaxed in our bedroom with Keith and watched Pointless and felt much better. I drove him to the pub and then did very little except prepare dinner. The rain has been torrential this evening and as I write I'm listening to the news with more dire warnings about flooding. Now where did I put that Ark?

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