Friday 17 January 2014


I took today off work as we have friends coming over for dinner tomorrow and I wanted to go shopping with Keith, buy all the food we needed and get everything ready so that I wouldn't have too much to do on the day.

We dropped the children off at school and drove over to Tesco's in Kettering, which was beautifully quiet. I took my own trolley and spent a very pleasant hour choosing cheeses and wines and buying all my vegetables and fruit. I love having time to choose things properly and while Keith bought all the stuff for home I filled a trolley with lots of goodies.

Back at home we put everything away and then I sorted out all my glasses, cutlery and crockery. This was a good thing as I discovered I only had five soup spoons so I decided to use a cutlery set that my Nan had left me and has proved to very useful in the past!

I was expecting a delivery from M&S so we dashed back to Kettering to pick it up and then it was almost time to pick Sophie up from school. Time has certainly flown past quickly today!

The plan was to go to the gym early but Sophie wasn't really in the mood and I was quite happy to go home and do very little for the rest of the evening. I have a feeling that tomorrow will be a late night!

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