Thursday 30 January 2014

Affairs of the heart

This morning Keith and I were up very early as he had an appointment for a stress test at the hospital. Over the last month, he's been having chest pains again and he wasn't really sure if it was his heart as he's had a bad cold and cough. I dropped him off at the hospital at 7.30am and then returned home to collect the children (and my mum who wanted a lift in) and do the normal school run.

At 9am Keith called me to say that he had to see the heart surgeon and they wouldn't allow him home until he'd had an angiogram, which could be a long wait. I went home, collected some bits for him and drove to the hospital to find him waiting in the corridor without anything to read or eat. By now it was almost lunchtime so I bought him a sandwich and a cup of tea and waited with him until he was taken to a small room where at least he could watch the television. I hated leaving him there, but I needed to get back to work and buy something for dinner as that was to be one of his jobs today!

I hadn't been in the office long before I received a call from school - it was Mikey saying his trousers had ripped and could I go and get him another pair? Cursing like mad, I drove all the way home, delivered the trousers and then went back to work to grab a quick sandwich before it was time to go and pick Sophie up from school. I then went back home to wait for Mikey who took the bus home. Phew!

In the evening I prepared dinner, gave Sophie instructions so she could start it off for me, and went back to the hospital to find that Keith had been put on an assessment ward. I had a feeling that he was going to be in all weekend as there'd been no mention of the angiogram and once the hospital get you in their clutches, there's no escape!

We chatted about what had happened and I left at 8pm to go home and finish off the dinner. The children had been brilliant and by 8.30pm we were sitting down to meatballs, pasta and garlic doughballs! I had a large glass of red wine and hoped fervently that my husband would be home for the weekend!

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