Wednesday 4 October 2023

Seeking expert help!

Today has felt like a "non-day" as I had a physiotherapist appointment at about 1.30pm, so right in the middle of the day. I tentatively suggested going out into the garden to cut the front verge, and I was shouted down by Keith and Sophie, who said I would be mad to do that! Hmmm!

So I've pootled about and not achieved very much at all! At 1pm, I took myself off to the surgery and within minutes of arriving went through to see the very young physio. He did a lot of manipulation and asked lots of questions, but he didn't seem to think my condition was serious. It was serious to me! I asked about stronger pain relief and he said he'd talk to the doctor and text me.

He gave me some exercises to do and that was it! On the way home I met Sophie who was also heading to the surgery for an appointment with the physio for her knee which has been hurting her for quite some time and has stopped her from doing various classes at the gym.

I did at least tidy one of the cupboards at home and Keith and I did the list for shopping, so that was something, but woefully short of all the jobs that are waiting to be done, with gardening very high on the list of priorities!

Sophie cooked again tonight and made a delicious paella with enough left over for lunch tomorrow!

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