Monday 30 October 2023

Flying the nest!

I said goodbye to my daughter this morning and wished her a happy holiday, as she was going down to Heathrow with Vikesh this afternoon when she finished work early. It was a horrible morning and the traffic was horrendous. Sophie had left ten minutes before me but was stuck in traffic just ahead on the dual carriageway. Not a great start to the week!

Sara was back at work today, but full of a cold and coughing badly. I said I would deal with the customer service emails today if I was able to come off the phone. Jo was also back today after her Mum had died, but she had popped in on Friday to see Kathy and me. We all felt so sorry for her as her Mum's death was sudden and unexpected, and she talked to Nicola and Sara for a good forty-five minutes before starting work. At one point there were fourteen calls in the queue and Sheila had to help out! 

I was able to come off every now and again throughout the shift and managed to get the emails answered. Sophie had let me know they'd left and were on their way to an airport hotel and arrived at 4.30pm, which was a great journey down!

The house felt very quiet without Sophie and Keith and I played cards in the kitchen with a drink before making dinner. He had prepared a hot and spicy curry and there was enough left over for me to have for lunch tomorrow. It's up to me to think about porridge and lunches this week!

A contented Mooney

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