Wednesday 25 October 2023

A busy, busy day!

Sophie was working from her office today so she didn't return from the gym as normal this morning. She woke me up when she left, and I tried to get back to sleep without success. Giving in, I went downstairs, made myself a coffee and said hello to the kitts.

Keith and I had arranged to drive to Leicester today, to visit the storage warehouse where all of Mum and Dad's furniture is stored. It's now been three years since we stored it there and the cost is becoming prohibitive.

We put down plenty of food and water for the cats and left at 10am. Trish took us onto the A14 and then the M1, and we left the motorway at the Lutterworth junction, taking a lovely country route to the outskirts of Leicester.

We found the huge warehouse by turning Trish off and using Googly and went into the office where we spoke to Rachel, who was very helpful. She advised us to make an appointment to come back, view the contents of the four crates and then decide what to do with the items they're storing. We could either take on a house clearance company, give the items to charity or try and sell them via an auction. I would take some stuff with me (pictures, their computer) but it's time to make some difficult decisions.

We retraced our route back to the M1 and stopped at a delightful place for an early lunch. Attfields Farm Shop was very much like our own Smith's Farm Shop on the outskirts of Northampton but it had a lovely restaurant serving hot meals and snacks. We ordered a sandwich apiece and coffee. Keith was astounded at how large the sandwich was, accompanied by salad, coleslaw and crisps. Very good value!

We meandered around the shop afterwards and bought some cakes, and then set off for home, deciding to head back via Walcote, South Kilworth and Thornby (the same route we took with Vikesh a few weeks ago).

The kitts were fine when we arrived home but we didn't have too much time to relax as we had a vet appointment booked for 3.30pm in Potterspury! We set off early and Trish again directed us to the wrong place! We ended up in the village itself but the vet practice was inside a garden centre on the busy A5. 

We saw signs for the vet, but rather than drive around to the entrance we walked all the way through the garden centre to the surgery, which was right at the back of the building! Carrying two cats and the carrier was not fun!

We went in immediately, and the cats behaved impeccably. The vet was lovely and had seven cats of her own so she must be a fan of the furries! She weighed them (Mooney weighed more than Gomez) and then gave them their second jabs, all paid for by the Cats Protection League. We will need to go back in a year for the booster vaccinations.

Keith stayed with the cats while I fetched the car and it was a lot easier. We had been worried about a small lump on Mooney's neck and when I mentioned it to the vet she said it was either the reaction from his last vaccine or the chip. I was so relieved as I had imagined they'd want to do x-rays and further investigation. 

For a little joke, I texted Sophie before we drove off and wound her up a bit. The conversation went like this:  Me in red, Sophie in blue.

"All done x booked in for a scan next week for Mooney and had to pay £250 upfront."

"You didn't!!!"
"But Gomez had one as well :((("


"The same kind of spot"

"Well will have to tell them next week then"

"Jeez Louise"

"Ok we'll bring both then"

"What a faff"

"Can you transfer the money to me tonight?"

"You what?"
"Are you kidding lol"

"I can't afford £500!!

"Put it on your credit card??"

"Not covered by insurance apparently"

"You're kidding"

At this point, I confessed to winding her up but she was so incensed she didn't see my "yep" and started calling me. I was laughing so much that she put the phone down on me, but she thought I was crying. When I called her, she did not see the funny side and said a few choice words on the phone to me...

Keith and I drove home and became embroiled in the traffic surrounding Roade again, but the cats didn't utter a sound. We even went to Brixworth so I could get Sophie some cough medicine and jam (to atone for my sins). It was almost 5pm by the time we got home and I was mightily glad I'd done all the chores before we left this afternoon!

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