Monday 23 October 2023

Sad news...

We heard from Sara over the weekend that Jo's Mum had died, and Shirley's Dad had died, both on Saturday. Two parents on the same day... what are the chances of that for such a small group of us? It was very sad as Jo's Mum died unexpectedly.

Obviously, Jo wasn't at work today so I was on the phones with Kitty. It was the first day of the October half-term and it wasn't too busy, with just the usual calls asking if swimming lessons were still on and what times the pools were open.

In the evening I treated myself to a whisky and coke (Fevertree, not Coca-Cola) and as I don't usually drink this combination I thoroughly enjoyed one... or two! Sophie's cold is not getting any better so I made her a hot toddy later in the evening.

We watched James Martin in Spain on television, and it was bliss sitting in the cosy living room with the cats curled up on the sofa next to us. 

I cooked dinner this evening which was very simple - leftover vegetables in Bubble and Squeak which I cooked in the oven for a change and the roast potatoes and Yorkshire puddings from our meal yesterday. It was simple but delicious!

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