Tuesday 24 October 2023

A bit stressful...

Today was a little more stressful at work as I was working with Angela who likes to make a lot of outbound calls, so I felt like I was constantly answering the phone. It meant every time I tried to do something I was interrupted! Arrgggh!

It was heaven to leave at 4pm and head home knowing I was off on Wednesday. I was met by the cats who seemed genuinely pleased to see me, which was lovely. Normally, I walk in and Keith has them both on his lap! I don't think we've ever had such affectionate cats! We're now gradually able to tell them apart without looking too closely so that's good! Gomez has a little sharp face and is interested in everything and everyone. I dread to think what he'll get up to when we let him loose outside! I'm actually dreading it...

Sophie made a delicious dinner of Panang chicken with fried rice and it was difficult not to eat the whole lot! There were only two small portions left over for our lunch on Thursday!

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