Sunday 15 October 2023

Getting colder...

Conversely, I was up late this morning and opened my eyes after 9am! I hadn't been to bed late, so I must have been making up for yesterday!

It was another glorious Autumn day and although it was sunny, it was chilly. I did mounds of laundry today but had to tumble dry it as I'm sure it wouldn't have dried on the line. We concentrated on upstairs and I gave the bedrooms a good clean. 

While I was pootling about, Sophie prepared tonight's meal of chicken thighs and pearl barley. A perfect meal for a cold day! We had lunch together and feasted on the leftovers from yesterday's snacks. After lunch, as most of my chores had been done, I relaxed and then had a lovely hot bath.

Sophie and I didn't play Scrabble tonight - we seem to have got out of the habit - and watched a couple of episodes of James Martin in Spain. The programmes certainly whet the appetite but some of the dishes he cooks didn't appeal! Sophie did the rest of the cooking for dinner, and there was enough left over for our lunches tomorrow.

This weekend has whizzed past but it's been very enjoyable, and I'm glad I tackled some outstanding jobs that needed doing. My arm and shoulder felt fine after the housework but only time will tell!

Our wine of choice tonight - an Alsace Pinot Noir

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