Monday 22 May 2023

Stressful appointments!

I finished work at 3.30pm today as I had to take my Mum to an appointment at Woodlands Hospital at 5pm. Before I picked her up I collected Keith, in case I couldn't get parked, but of course, we arrived early and there were plenty of spaces!

Mum and I sat and waited and chatted, but it wasn't until almost 6pm before she was seen. She was asked to provide a urine sample, but, poor thing, she was unable to do one, so we took it back and she said she would do it tomorrow morning. I would then pick it up after work and drop it off. It wasn't ideal but what can you do?

The traffic was abysmal going back - the A14 around Kettering is always busy - and tonight was no exception! When we eventually arrived home, I definitely felt in need of a stiff drink! Sophie was already home and she prepared a very simple dinner of cold meats, quiche, new potatoes and salad.

Keith disappeared upstairs to watch Newcastle (he is very pleased with their progress at the moment!) and Sophie and I watched a documentary on the Johnny Depp v Amber Heard case (they're both as mad as a box of frogs), followed by a delightful Netflix programme about a couple who went on a third date to Costa Rica and then became stuck in the country because of covid! Happily, they are still together to this day!

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